

Osteoporosis: Will you be affected by it?


Did you know that osteoporosis affects millions of women around the world? This condition causes your bones to become brittle and weak, which can lead to fractures and other serious complications. But don’t worry, there are steps you can take…

Breast Cancer: Beat it with knowledge

Breast Cancer Beat it with knowledge

Ladies, let’s talk about breast cancer. We are sure you will be surprised to know that breast cancer is not exclusive for women. It can also affect men, though in very small numbers. So, what makes some people get it…

How to prevent Gastric Ulcers

You would have experienced at least one gastric ulcer attack in your life and you will know how painful it can be. If you wish to avoid another uncomfortable episode, you should take every precaution to avoid it. But, how…

Can cancer be prevented?

Cancer is a dangerous disease and everyone wishes to prevent it. If you are wondering if cancer can be prevented, the answer is yes, to an extent. If you know the cause of cancer, then you can prevent it. In…

Gastritis – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Imagine angry children. If you ignore them and continue doing things with them as usual, you will only irritate them and make the situation worse. Gastritis is your stomach being angry. It is an inflammation of the lining of your…

What is Cervical cancer and how to prevent it

Cervical cancer is cancer that begins in the mouth of the uterus, the portion of the uterus that connects with the vagina. As with all cancers, cervical cancer is caused by abnormal cells. When these abnormal cells divide, the cancer…

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