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Maternity care encompasses the health services provided to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It ensures the well-being of both mother and baby through comprehensive care and support at each stage.




Treatments in Maternity Care

1. Prenatal Care

  • Regular Check-ups: Routine visits to monitor the health of mother and
    baby, including weight checks, blood pressure monitoring, and fetal heart
    rate monitoring.
  • Prenatal Screenings: Blood tests, ultrasounds, and other tests to detect
    any potential health issues or complications.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Diet and nutrition advice to ensure proper maternal
    and fetal nutrition.
  • Prenatal Education: Classes and information on what to expect during
    pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting.

2. Labor and Delivery

  • Labor Support: Assistance and monitoring during labor, including pain
    management options such as epidurals, natural pain relief methods, and
  • Delivery Methods: Support for various delivery methods, including
    vaginal births, cesarean sections (C-sections), and assisted deliveries
    using tools like forceps or vacuum extraction.
  • Emergency Care: Immediate care for any complications that arise during
    labor and delivery, ensuring the safety of both mother and baby.

3. Postpartum Care

  • Postnatal Check-ups: Follow-up visits to monitor the mother's recovery
    and the baby’s health, including checks for postpartum depression and
    physical healing.
  • Breastfeeding Support: Guidance and assistance with breastfeeding,
    including latch techniques, milk supply issues, and addressing common
    breastfeeding challenges.
  • Postpartum Recovery: Support for physical recovery after childbirth,
    including exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and advice on
    managing postpartum symptoms like bleeding and discomfort.
  • Family Planning and Contraception: Counseling on birth control options
    and family planning to support the mother’s health and family’s goals.

Maternity care at Januma ensures a holistic approach to mother and baby health,
providing comprehensive support and medical expertise through every stage of
pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond.

Other Januma Specialities

Allied Services

Breastfeeding Support Services



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Ready to experience unparalleled care and support for you and your child? Join the Januma family today and let us nurture your journey into parenthood.

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