Can cancer be prevented?

Cancer is a dangerous disease and everyone wishes to prevent it. If you are wondering if cancer can be prevented, the answer is yes, to an extent.
If you know the cause of cancer, then you can prevent it. In most cases there is a clear cause for cancer, but in some cases, it is not clear what the cause is. In both cases, taking preventive steps can help reduce the risks of getting cancer and it would help to know how cancer is formed so you can help prevent it.

What is cancer?

Cancer is a disease that is caused by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. There are many types of cancers and they can form in almost all parts of the body. Cancer cells are different form other cells in that they do not stop forming.
Normal cell growth is strictly regulated. The number of cells in any part of the body is limited and the formation of new cells stops when this limit is reached. In cancerous cells this regulation mechanism does not work. The abnormal cancer cells keep growing, dividing and forming new cells without stopping resulting in a tumor that grows uncontrollably. Cancer cells can grow and spread to other parts of the body if left untreated leading to complications which could lower success rates of treatments.

Why do cells become cancerous?

The genetic material in your DNA is the blueprint by which your cells grown, develop and function. Sometimes a gene mutation occurs in a cell. Usually, these mistakes are identified and corrected, but sometimes due to various factors, they are not corrected. The mutated gene could lead to formation of cancer.

What causes genetic mutation that leads to cancer?

Gene mutations that lead to cancer are caused either due to genetic factors that you are born with or factors that damage your genes after birth.
An inherited gene mutation is not very common and it does not mean that if you have it you will definitely get cancer. If you have inherited a genetic mutation from your parents, it only means that you are at increased risk of developing cancer.
Factors that could lead to gene mutation after birth include smoking, drinking more alcohol than is healthy, certain chemicals, certain virus infections, obesity, hormone imbalance, lack of exercise and exposure of radiation such as x-ray and sunlight. These are the modifiable risks of cancer.

How to prevent cancer?

You can reduce your risk of getting cancer by taking a few simple steps.
• Quit smoking and avoid secondary smoke
• Women should restrict their drinks to one drink per day and men to two per day
• Eat a healthy diet filled with fruits, vegetable and whole grains
• Do not spend too much time in the sun without adequate protection and sunscreen
• If you have a family history of cancer, get screened for cancer regularly
• Get vaccinations that prevent cancer
• Exercise regularly
• Manage your weight

How will I know if I have cancer?

Most cancers cause some symptoms. Most of the symptoms are common for many diseases, but with cancer, you will not be able to explain why you are having them. These symptoms include:
• Lump or thickening under the skin
• Loss of appetite
• Change in bowel or urinary habits
• Changes in skin or moles and unhealing sores
• Persistent cough, breathing trouble or sudden voice change
• Eating and swallowing difficulties
• Unexplained persistent pains
• Unexplained persistent fevers
• Unexplained bruising or bleeding
• Unexplained weight change
• Excessive fatigue
If you have any of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. These could be symptoms of a cancer of some other disease or disorder. A simple test will help diagnose the right cause and get lifesaving treatment on time. If you have a family history of cancer, talk to your doctor about cancer screening and if it is for you.
Take preventive steps, get screened, get vaccinated and get a check-up if you have any unexplained symptom. Close the gap in the fight against cancer.


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